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Julióbriga's Domus

domus museum



The atmosphere in Roman times located on the old city of Julióbriga, Domus. A rebuilding of the called "house of the Morillos". Belongs to a middle class family.

The center is situated to 3 km of Reinosa with views of teh Ebro's marsh. Since the XVIII century. The father Flórez identify the city of Julióbriga with the ruins in Retortillo a lot of archaelogical works it has been developed in this archaelogical site, it has resulted an urban area that nowadays is still identifying with the first Roma city old Canatabria.


Also, it has an area of exposition where the objects show more significativs for the archaelogical excavations of this Roman city and other deposits of Cantabria.


Rooms of the domus



Visit through the teathre


Here you can know, asking questions and listening to answers the form of

life, customs and habits of the Romans in the first century B.C, looking for the social changes of the Cantabria's before and after of the Roman denomination.

Ceramic workshop


This didadtic activite allows students, to make a piece of ceramic, to identifiy all the questions connected by the production of a ceramic's idolillo, the use and mistics thinks of  Roman's time.

Writing in a ceramic board


It starts with an ilustrated introdution with the origins of the writing since 5.000 years ago, to explaining the tipes of writting: cuneiform, hieroglyph and Se inicia con una introducción ilustrada de los orígenes de la escritura hace al menos 5.000 años, explicando los tipos de escritura: cuneiforme, jeroglífica y alfabética. De estos, nos centraremos en el sistema alfabético, revisando los tipos de letras y los diferentes soportes e instrumentos utilizados para la escritura en tiempos de los romanos.


Gallery of photos


Business hours


From 1st of March to 13th of June and from 18th of September to 31th of October.

Monday and tuesday CLOSE. Except the tuesday 11th of April.

Wednesday and sunday from 9:30-14:30 and from 15:30-18:30.

From 4th of June to 17th of September. 

Monday CLOSE.

Tuesday and sunday from 10:30-14:30 and from 15:30-19:30.

Close the 1st and 6th of January, the 24th/25th/31th of December.


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